Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Hearts of Iron 4: Trainer (+22) [1.3.1] {MrAntiFun}

Trainer options F1 - Activate Trainer F2 - Infinite Political Power F3 - Infinite National Unity F4 - Infinite Convoys F5 - Infinite ManPower F6 - Infinite Nukes F7 - Infinite Army Experience F8 - Infinite Navy Experience F9 - Infinite Air Experience F10 - Fast National Focus F11 - Infinite Stored Supplies F12 - Fast Construction Numpad 1 - Fast Research Numpad 2 - Fast Recruiting Numpad 3 - Super Production Numpad 4 - Super Factories Limit Numpad 5 - Instant Movement Numpad 6 - God Mode / Infinite Organization Numpad 7 - Super Resources Numpad 8 - Low Occupation Resistance Numpad 9 - Instant War Goal Numpad 0 - Change Country Notice: To change a country first activate trainer then select the country you want on the map then press the hotkey Stored supplies will set the things under Logistics to 1.5million, You must have a production of the required supplies such as tanks or equipment. Short Documentaries

File Size: 4.92 Mb



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Pit People: Trainer +4 (PATCH 03.19.2017) {CheatHappens.com}

Activating this trainer: Press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options: NumPad1: Infinite Health NumPad2: One Hit Kills NumPad3: Change Gold By 500 NumPad4: Super Health Editor Options: Gold Notes: Infinite Health: While active all team members have infinite health during combat. One Hit Kills: In combat press this option, wait 1 seconds, the option will deactivate itself. All enemies have low health. Change Gold: At city where your gold is shown at the top press hotkey to add more. Super Health: While this option is active the maximum health is set to the value specified on the trainer GUI. Use this if you want your units to resist high amount of damage. You can define the amount the trainer writes to on the trainer GUI. This has to be done BEFORE trainer activation! Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - Pit People Trainer Short Documentaries

File Size: 20.81 Mb



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Alien: Isolation: Trainer (+7) [1.9] {dR.oLLe}

Trainer options F1 - Infinite Health F2 - Infinite Flashlight F3 - Infinite Ammo F4 - Infinite Metal F5 - Infinite Items F6 - Ghost Mode Mouse Button - Super Speed Short Documentaries

File Size: 131.5 Kb



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Northgard: Trainer (+5) [0.1.3954] {MrAntiFun}

Options: F1 - Active Trainer F2 - Inf.Money F3 - Inf.Food F4 - Inf.Wood F5 - No Villagers Limit F6 - Instant Villagers Notice: First start game world and once money and other stuff appear on screen activate money, food,wood and villagers limit cheats First click on Town Hall then activate instant villagers, Dont use it for too long with the no villagers limit cheat otherwise you will have hundreds in less than a minute Short Documentaries

File Size: 4.40 Mb



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Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Trainer +11 v1.000.0 {CheatHappens.com}

Activating this trainer: Press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options: NumPad1: Infinite Hull NumPad2: Infinite Weapon Energy NumPad3: No Ability Cooldown NumPad4: Super Speed NumPad5: Change Credits By 5000 NumPad6: Change EXP By 500 NumPad7: Change Mining/Gas/Salvage By 50 NumPad8: Change Skill Points By 5 NumPad9: Change Perk Points By 5 Editor Options: Credits EXP Mining Gas Salvage Skill Points Perk Points Notes: Infinite Weapon Energy: While active all of your weapons have infinite energy. This only works when your weapon HUD is displayed (blue circle around your ship). No Ability Cooldown: While active your abilities have no cooldowns. Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - Starpoint Gemini Warlords Trainer Short Documentaries

File Size: 21.69 Mb



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EMS SQL Manager for Oracle v.3.2 Free Download

EMS SQL Manager for Oracle is a high performance database tool for Oracle database development and administration. SQL Manager for Oracle works with any Oracle versions from 8.1.7 to the newest one and supports the latest Oracle Database features. Short Documentaries



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DBF to MDB (Access) Converter v.2.50 Free Download


The DBF to MDB (Access) program allows you to convert your dbf files to MDB (Microsoft Access) format. MDB format is the most frequently used format, but sometimes Access is unable to open DBF files or damages them. Short Documentaries



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