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lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

info@blogger.com sent you files via WeTransfer

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info@ blogger.com
sent you some files
9 files, 1.49 MB in total ・ Will be deleted on 13 January, 2021
Get your files
Dear Agents/Resellers,
I send you attached the 2021 Lists that will come into force from febuary 1st.
Above these price lists will be applied the discount reserved for you already in your hands.
For anything not indicated in them, you can refer to the sales office to receive the offer.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Cordiali saluti – Sincères salutations – Best regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen

9 files

+ 4 more

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feneap.chile.comunicaciones Pending Emails 6/1/2021 11:16:40 p.m.

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domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

Plesk : Please confirm your email address

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viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

WARNING: E-Mail storage bandwidth limit

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

You have reached your E-Mail storage bandwidth limit.   Most of your incoming mails will be placed on hold.

After re-validating your email account all your incoming emails on hold will deliver to your mailbox.

Email Account Server {C} 2021


This message is auto-generated from E-mail feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.

EMAIL feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com VERSION UPGRADE

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

Your email account currently needs the annual email version upgrade.

NB : Your account will soon be blocked from sending message if not Upgraded to the New Email version .  
Please click on the below Server Link    to complete the new email version upgrade

This service is free of charge 
blogger.com © 2021 All rights reserved

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021


  Microsoft Share Point Management  

 Shared an important document with you via share point.

View documents


All signers completed Please Share Point: Lake Vista Termination.pdf

URGENT EMAIL feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com ACCOUNT UPGRADE




Deαr feneap.chile.comunicaciones
We αre clοsing all old Versιοn of Yοur E-mαil feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com
Tαp belοw and sιgn-in to get a more οrgαnιzed mαilbοx to αvοid being De-actιvαted.
Thank Yοu
blogger.com Webmaιl Suppοrt

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

RE: New Order

Dear Sir,

How are you today,

I have called your office phone but cannot connect to you,

Could you please look into the attached new order together with the specifications immediately and then arrange to

send us proforma invoice.

 We are waiting for your swift response.


Thanks & Regards,



Sales Manager.

Tel : 02-3502513-16

Fax : 02-6719087, 02-6710507

Re: Summer Order Request

Dear Sir,

Please find our attached PO for your reference and provide to us your complete quote. 
Let me know if you have any questions.  
Best Regards
Ms. Stefania Brzozowski
Purchase manager
ul. Jaworowa 18 35-113 Rzeszów

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

RE: 20200605 signed Order

Dear Sir,

Attached is our new Order.

Pls send your sale invoice for this  order and also indicate the ETA to our port.

When sending the invoice kindly CC to this email:info@zafco.com

Thanks & Best regards,

Subair Aboobacker
Sr. Engineer, Sales & Service – I&C
M: +97150 6620 469
Ali & Sons Oil-Field Supplies & Services Company - Sole Proprietorship LLC.
A Member of Ali & Sons Holding L.L.C.
www. kalmeplc.com   | www. kalmeplc.com
T: +9712 6723 900 | Ext: 315 | F: +9712 6723 901

Attenzione: il tuo feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com è dovuto rinnovare ora

Hosting Aruba  

Gentile Cliente,

ti informiamo che il blogger.com, a cui questo account di posta elettronica è collegato, scadrà presto.

Ti ricordiamo che, se la feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com  non viene rinnovata ora, questi e tutti i servizi associati, comprese le cassette postali, saranno disattivati e non potranno più essere utilizzati per l'invio e la ricezione di mail.


Il cliente Aruba che ha il login e-mail e la password per accedere al dominio, può rinnovare semplicemente utilizzando il pulsante qui sotto per rinnovare.



Maggiori informazioni sul rinnovo.


Cordiali saluti
Customer Care Aruba S.p.A.



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