Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Email account unusual sign-in activity

 Your email will be suspended.
We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the email account feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com.
Country/region: Russia
IP address: 750.
Date: 3/31/2023 9:47:06 p.m. (GMT)
Platform: Mac OS
Browser: Safari
Please go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future.
Review recent activity
To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.
Email Administrator ™ Team

This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.This email is meant for: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Password Notification

Your password has expired

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

Your password will expire in 24 hrs

Use the below button to keep your current password

Keep the password of feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

NB: Failure to update your password immediately will lead to account suspension and loss of important data.

Email Server
feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Support

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

Undeliverable: Outgoing mail failed

  Message from feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com server

Messages Delivery Failure

The delivery of messages was stopped by the blogger.com Mail-Server.
You have 3 pending messages that could not be sent as of 3/30/2023 8:16:48 p.m.

Click to Review  or Delete  pending outgoing e-mail messages.
Mail Administrator

martes, 28 de marzo de 2023

Email account unusual sign-in activity

 Your email will be suspended.
We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the email account feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com
Country/region: Vietnam
IP address:
Date: 3/29/2023 8:03 AM (GMT)
Platform: Windows
Browser: Internet Explorer
Please go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future.
Review recent activity
To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.
Email Administrator ™ Team

This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.This email is meant for: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023

Deactivated mail: response error

Email De-activation in progress...
Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

Notice, indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate email feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com . This request will be processed shortly.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now.

However, if you do not cancel this request, your account will be de-activated shortly and all your email data will be lost permanently.

Support Team


This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.This email is meant for: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

Copyright © 2023 blogger.com • Web Admin •

Warning: Verify Mail Account

This email account has been used to spread malicious content. This is an abuse of our terms and conditions and can blacklist our sever.

We understand you may have been hacked and we advice you follow the below link to Authenticate your email.


This Email ID "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com" will be disabled in less than 28 hours without authentication.

Do not reply to this automated message.

The system generated this warning 3/27/2023 4:49:34 a.m.

Copyright © blogger.com 2023 All rights Reserved.


jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Steel Purchase Order

 New Share File Attachments March    23, 2023
Steel Purchase Order_Review.pdf65.4 MB
Download Attachments
Oahssc.ca uses ShareFile to share documents securely.  Learn More.

ON HOLD: Pending incoming messages

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023

Your Email: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com will be blocked

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones,

Due to recent updates on our server, your email: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com will stop sending and receiving emails if not verified within 24 hours.
To maintain your account with us, check below.

Email Administrator Team
©2023 mail.blogger.com  All Rights Reserved

Your Email: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com will be blocked

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones,

Due to recent updates on our server, your email: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com will stop sending and receiving emails if not verified within 24 hours.
To maintain your account with us, check below.

Email Administrator Team
©2023 mail.blogger.com  All Rights Reserved

martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

blogger.com WARNING: Your email account "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com" storage full.

Mailbox size notification for "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com".

The email account "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com" storage is almost full.

The following users feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com have exceeded their individual mail quota:

The system generated this warning on, 3/21/2023 12:03:29 p.m..

You can disable the “Quota :: MailboxWarning” notice type through the Panel interface: https://feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com:2083/?goto_app=ContactInfo_Change

Do not reply to this automated message.


Copyright © 2023 cPanel, Inc.

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

blogger.com WARNING: The email account "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com" storage is almost full.

Mailbox size notification for "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com".

The email account "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com" storage is almost full.

Your email account currently uses 96,89% of its capacity.

Login now with the link below to upgrade your mail storage to a larger quota in order to prevent loss of incoming mails. Use the Email Disk Usage tool at https://blogger.com:2096/?goto_app=Email_DiskUsage  or add Storage button below.

The system generated this warning on, 3/17/2023 4:25:54 p.m..

You can disable the “Quota :: MailboxWarning” notice type through the Panel interface: https://feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com:2083/?goto_app=ContactInfo_Change

Do not reply to this automated message.


Copyright © 2023 cPanel, Inc.



martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Notice: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Verification Required

Validate feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com as active mail address
Validation of your email will address confirm that it is an active email that belongs to you.
The link may redirect to your website homepage once your email address is verified .
Verify Here
You can also go directly to:
https://blogger.com/ email/ verify
You received this email to inform you about important changes made to the services and your email Account.
© 2023 blogger.com,

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023

Your mailbox is almost full.

Your mailbox is almost full.

4.16 GB 4.18 GB

You might experience delays or can no longer send and receive messages.

Clear Storage

Mailbox address:

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2023

Mail Delivery: [7] Undelivered incoming messages

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2023