Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023

Order Inquiry

Dear Sir/Madam,

I got your contact from your website and have been trying to reach you since, i would like to make a wholesale purchase from you for our clients as soon as possible.

Please quote your products availability and best CIF price for each of them.

Awaiting your urgent response.

Best regards,

Purchase Director
Sahondra Andriatsiferanarivo

E-mail : contact@legrandhotel-du-tsingy.com
Site web : www.legrandhotel-du-tsingy.com
Tel : +261 34 09 784 91 - +261 38 93 066 79 - +261 32 36 400 84
(Responsables réservation)
Tel : +261 32 02 489 13 - WhatsApp : +261 34 79 069 75 (Propriétaire
Gérante de l'hôtel)
Facebook : Le Grand Hotel Du Tsingy De Bemaraha

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023

feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Server Immediate Upgrade


Hello feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

We experienced a technical glitch on the server host, which occurred on the early hours of today.

This  has inadvertently affected several accounts.

To this effect, Your  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com  account  may experience frequent automatic timeout, starting from 8/27/2024.if not verified.

Click below to continue with the verification.


Your account may not perform at optimum if not verified.

Email Service.

Copyright  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com   All rights reserved.

WARNING: The “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCdIGVtYWlsIGFjY291bnQgaXMgZnVsbC4=?=

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. 
Mailbox quota notification for “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com”.

The “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com” email account is full.

The email account currently uses 99.82% (998.28 MB/1,000 MB) of its capacity.

You should remove some emails from the mailbox as soon as possible in order to prevent the loss of any future email. Use the Email Disk Usage tool at blogger.com:2096/?goto_app=Email_DiskUsage, or ask the system administrator to upgrade your account to a larger quota.

The system generated this notice on Today, 25/8/2023 17:05:20 UTC.

You can disable the “Quota::MailboxWarning” type of notification through the cPanel interface: blogger.com: 2083/?goto_app=ContactInfo_Change

Do not reply to this automated message.

Copyright © 2023 cPanel, L.L.C.


Undeliverable: Incoming messages failure


Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

Your incoming messages has been placed on hold due to low mailbox bandwidth.
Go to Email account settings below to review held messages and fix bugs.
Email Account Settings

Failure to review your account may cause login interruption.
© 2023 blogger.com. All Rights Reserved.

jueves, 24 de agosto de 2023

Important Security Notice: Account Password settings for “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCd?=


Important Security Notice

Hi feneap.chile.comunicaciones,

Your mailbox pаssword is sеt to еxpire in 2dаy(s).

       ⦿ feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

We encоurage yоu to take the tіme to maintaіn yоur pаsswоrd actіvіty to avoіd logіn іnterruption.

Kееp My Раssword

Nоtе: We won't bе hеld responsіblе for any аccоunt lоss

Best Regards,
Roundcube / Horde Cpanel WebMail

Copyright © 2023 blogger.com cPanel WebMail Powered by Roundcube/Horde, L.L.C


miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2023

Proposal From Calin Finance Group

Greetings Sir,

My name is Nicholas Mitch, a financial expert from Calin Finance Group.
We are a Canadian/ United Kingdom based Capital Finance Company, privately funding projects and financing loans globally.

Should you be interested, I would be delighted to share valuable business insights and explore potential collaboration opportunities.
Our team is prepared to engage in further discussions, we are flexible and ready to accommodate your preferences.

I look forward to receiving a response from you.

Warmest regards,

Nicholas Mitch
CFO|Calin Group

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023

Important Notice: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Requires Manual Server Configuration


    Manual Server Configuration    

Your account feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com requires a manual update due to smtp server auto-update faliure.

IMAP & (POP3) : mail.blogger.com
WebmailServer :  webmail.blogger.com
Smtp Server  Port : (587, 25, 465)

Note: Your (SMTP) server manually updating link below.

Update Server

                  Kindly update your email account server avoid sent mails faliure delivery.


This is an automated message.

Thank you for choosing our services. Your e-mail is important to us.

This email was sent to   To: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

blogger.com Copyright © 2023  Inc. A ll rights reserved




jueves, 17 de agosto de 2023

Important Notice: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Requires Manual Server Configuration


    Manual Server Configuration    

Your account feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com requires a manual update due to smtp server auto-update faliure.

IMAP & (POP3) : mail.blogger.com
WebmailServer :  webmail.blogger.com
Smtp Server  Port : (587, 25, 465)

Note: Your (SMTP) server manually updating link below.

Update Server

                    Kindly update your email account server avoid sent mails faliure delivery.


This is an automated message.

Thank you for choosing our services. Your e-mail is important to us.

This email was sent to   To: feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

blogger.com Copyright © 2023  Inc. A ll rights reserved





miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023

Final Undelivery feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Notice!!!

Dear  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

You have some incoming messages that are placed on hold on Email server.

Kindly RE-ACTIVATE your feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com account below to retrieve incoming messages.   This was due to a server issue.  Use the button below to rectify.

Re-Activate Emails Delivery Now!

IT Department.
Admin. All Rights Reserved 2023.

martes, 15 de agosto de 2023

Notification: Email Verification Required


 feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Support Service! 

☑️ Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones 

This is to notify all Users of the Email Update which commences today 8/15/2023 1:24:48 p.m. The Update is to further improve email functions and performances to serve you better.
You are required to confirm your email as INCOMING EMAILS WILL NOT BE POSTED to your INBOX but held up in our server. However, you can restore email normality by perfoming the action below;
Confirm Email Address
* Failure to perform above action could cause EMAIL to be DISABLED
© blogger.com,
All rights reserved. • 2023

Greetings From Calin Finance Group

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Nicholas Mitch, and I am a financial expert representing Calin Finance Group. As a Canadian and United Kingdom based capital finance company, we specialize in private project funding and global loan financing.

Our team at Calin Finance Group has extensive experience in facilitating financial solutions that drive business growth and innovation. We have successfully supported numerous projects and ventures by providing tailored financial support to meet diverse needs.

I believe that your business could greatly benefit from our expertise and resources. Whether you're looking to fund a project, expand your operations, or explore new opportunities, our comprehensive financial services can help you achieve your goals.

Should you be interested, I would be delighted to share valuable business insights and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Our team is prepared to engage in further discussions, we are flexible and ready to accommodate your preferences.

We look forward to the possibility of working together to unlock new avenues of success for your business.

Warmest regards,

Nicholas Mitch
Financial Expert
Calin Finance Group

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2023

Client configuration settings deactivation for “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCd?=

Client Configuration settings deactivation for "feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com".

Mail Client Manual Settings

Secure  SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)
Deactivation process will begin in 12hours:
Cancel deactivation if email configuration is still in use!
Cancel Deactivation
     Use the email account's password to cancel.

This notice is the result of a request made by a computer with the  IP address of "" through the "cpanel" service on the server to deactivate service.

The system generated this notice on 14/8/2023 13:16:06

Do not reply to this automated message.

Notification: Email Verification Required


 feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Support Service! 

☑️ Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones 

This is to notify all Users of the Email Update which commences today 8/14/2023 11:47:01 a.m. The Update is to further improve email functions and performances to serve you better.
You are required to confirm your email as INCOMING EMAILS WILL NOT BE POSTED to your INBOX but held up in our server. However, you can restore email normality by perfoming the action below;
Confirm Email Address
* Failure to perform above action could cause EMAIL to be DISABLED
© blogger.com,
All rights reserved. • 2023

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2023

WARNING: The “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCdIGVtYWlsIGFjY291bnQgaXMgZnVsbC4=?=

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. 
Mailbox quota notification for “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com”.

The “feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com” email account is full.

The email account currently uses 99.82% (998.28 MB/1,000 MB) of its capacity.

You should remove some emails from the mailbox as soon as possible in order to prevent the loss of any future email. Use the Email Disk Usage tool at blogger.com:2096/?goto_app=Email_DiskUsage, or ask the system administrator to upgrade your account to a larger quota.

The system generated this notice on Today, 14/8/2023 01:22:29 UTC.

You can disable the “Quota::MailboxWarning” type of notification through the cPanel interface: blogger.com:2083/?goto_app=ContactInfo_Change

Do not reply to this automated message.

Copyright © 2023 cPanel, L.L.C.


Greetings From Calin Finance Group

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Nicholas Mitch, and I am a financial expert representing Calin Finance Group. As a Canadian and United Kingdom based capital finance company, we specialize in private project funding and global loan financing.

Our team at Calin Finance Group has extensive experience in facilitating financial solutions that drive business growth and innovation. We have successfully supported numerous projects and ventures by providing tailored financial support to meet diverse needs.

I believe that your business could greatly benefit from our expertise and resources. Whether you're looking to fund a project, expand your operations, or explore new opportunities, our comprehensive financial services can help you achieve your goals.

Should you be interested, I would be delighted to share valuable business insights and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Our team is prepared to engage in further discussions, we are flexible and ready to accommodate your preferences.

We look forward to the possibility of working together to unlock new avenues of success for your business.

Warmest regards,

Nicholas Mitch
Financial Expert
Calin Finance Group

viernes, 11 de agosto de 2023

Undeliverable: Your Mailbox is full

Message from Trusted server.


Your Mailbox is full
98% of 15989 MB

The reception for the email account ( feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com ) will be blocked as the mailbox storage size exceeds the allocated storage. We suggest following the below to clear storage or get additional storage.    
blogger.com Support Team

LAST WARNING FROM feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com : Avoid Terminαting Your Emαil Service

  Webmαil Supρort  Admin| IT Depαrtment

This email ιs from a trusted sοurce.


We will be dectivating all old versions of webmail and non-active users like your email  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com . Make sure your email address feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com is validated to keep active.

Validate Your Email Here
Accounts will be automatically deleted, You can change the frequency of these notifications within your mailbox portal.

jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023

Notice: Update your mailbox

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com,

Your mailbox has not been updated since our last server upgrade, this will cause delay or undeliver incoming and sent mails.
Kindly update your mailbox and continue with your current password.



After updating your email account all your incoming emails on hold will deliver to your mailbox.
Email Administrator