Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

FW: SWIFT COPY - Advice Ref: [75483839202]/ Customer Ref!!!



















Dear Sir/Madam, 


Greetings to you.


The attached payment advise is issued at the request of our customer. The advice is for your reference only.

Please kindly Download and Review the attached file.


Yours sincerely,

Global Payment and Cash Management.















Please do not reply to this email - use the contact points on the HSBC Bank web site to contact us. http://www.hsbc.co.uk

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HSBC UK Bank plc Registered Office: 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 1HQ. Registered in England - Number 9928412.

Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. 


Libre de virus. www.avast.com

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