Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Server Notification!!!!

Incoming Messages Restricted

Dear feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com

New update which brings a major security feature to emails, We are upgrading our Email server and this might affect some email accounts, You are advised to verify and re-confirm your email account in other to continue using our email services and  to get a vital upgrade that should help keep your Outlook inbox far safer and free from annoying and malicious spam.

You have some new messages in your email quarantine.
User Account:  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com  

Click Here to Update and Deliver Message(s)  to your inbox folder: 


Quarantined email
  Recipient: Subject: date:
Release feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Incoming Transfer from Sale@.... [HSBC] 30/09/2020
Release feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Re: Re: Contract | INVOICE COPY |  feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com 30/09/2020
Release feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Re: SALES ORDER CONFIRMATION SO: 0047529 01/10/2020
Release feneap.chile.comunicaciones@blogger.com Shipment 873017357362 Notification 01/10/2020
Deliver all messages (10)

Note: This message was sent by the system for notification only. Please do not reply 

If this message lands in your spam folder, please move it to your inbox folder for proper interagtion:  Click Here

Note: Failure to verify your e-mail account,will result to suspension of incoming emails and data lost.

Thank you for using our service.

blogger.com Administrator Security Team.

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