Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

jueves, 1 de julio de 2021

Quotation From SARANA Endustri & CONT. EST

Dear Sir,

Please view the quotation we sent to you & give your best offer at the earliest.
Quotes by issuing us your best price list and Proforma Invoice accordingly.

Note: **Please view download doc with proper and complete details and price**

Scan0025.xls 1 file (total 38.5KB) VIEW | DOWNLOAD

Await your quik reply.

Trikora Ibnu
General Manager
SARANA Endustri & CONT. EST.
Biksan Sanayi Sitesi B-1 Blok - Istanbul, Turkey.
Mobile: +908 9931 4435
Office : +908 2481 6729,
Fax : +908 2481 2290,
Email :
Website: www.saranaprimalestari.com

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