Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

Re: NEWFORM Order confirmation 2023- OV 006049.

Dear Sir,

I’m sending to you a payment confirmation, your email has been authorized to open document.
Please send the goods to Pezzutti once payment is received.

Thank you,
Guandalini Silvia

On Tue, 16 May 2023 at 12:09, Bertarello Sara <s.bertarello@newform.it > wrote:

Hello Dear,

Find enclosed the multi-factor authentication payment confirmation which can only be opened by authorized emails and please confirm if goods are already packed.


Best regards,


Sara Bertarello | Sales Account

Email s.bertarello@newform.it 

Newform S.p.A | Via Marconi, 25/A | 13037 Serravalle Sesia (VC) | ITALY

Tel. +39.0163.452054 | Web. www.newform.it

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