Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024

Warning : Your mailbox is almost full

Your mailbox has reached 90% of the maximum space allowed on the server.

You can continue to receive e-mails, but it's recommended to free up space before reaching 100% of the maximum space allowed.
Once 100% of the occupied space , you will no longer receive messages on this account.
Also remember to empty your Trash too, to free up some space storage.

You can archive your old e-mails on your machine to conserve while freeing up space on the server.
You can also setup your e-mail account with POP protocol on a mail Software so that all e-mail are stored on your computer.

If you rely on e-mail administrator to manage your address, please contact him for more information.

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