Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Administración Pública

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2024

[ mail.blogger.com ] WordPress Updates Digest

Updates were not installed for the following items:

1. Website "/home/maste221/public_html/gatewaysbc" (blogger.com/gatewaysbc): Failed to reset cache for the instance #2: An error has occurred when decoding JSON: Decoding failed: Syntax error

2. Website "/home/maste221/public_html/Apex" (blogger.com/Apex): Failed to reset cache for the instance #3: An error has occurred when decoding JSON: Decoding failed: Syntax error

The system generated this notice on Today, 12/25/2024 2:46:32 p.m. UTC.

"WPT::ResellerAutoUpdates" notifications are currently configured to have an importance of "Low". You can change the importance or disable this type of notification in WHM's Contact Manager at: mail.blogger.com:2087/scripts2/editcontact?event=Application

Do not reply to this automated message.


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